1st Semester

Image result for Final Project
Physics Final Project  Due December 10, 2018 (Click on the link to receive the information.)

Chemistry Final Project Due December 10, 2018 (Click on the link to receive the information.)

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MyOn - Online Reading for 15 minutes (Nov 8) post a response 3 to 5 sentences long on Classroom Google

(All Classes) November 12 - 16, 2018 (No School Monday)
Tuesday -  Study for Gizmo Test on Wedensday and Thursday

(All Classes) November 5 - 9 , 2018  (No School - Monday - November 12; Nov.14 - 15 Test)
Monday -  Nov. 5
 It's the Holiday Season

Tuesday Nov. 6 - 
Physics - Read Handout Online (Free Body Diagram) ; Review Assignment - Free Body Diagram Read the following passage (4.3)  Video - 1) Balance and Unbalance Forces (or Sum of Forces) 2) Four Practice Problems 

Resourcs of Newton's Three Laws of Motion
Unit:  Forces & Newton's Laws of Motion      Problems & Answer:  Newton's 3 Laws of Motion

Chemistry   Watch Video(Review) -  What Are Atoms?
Read the Periodic Table - Number of energy levels & electrons orbiting the nucleus
Activity - Students are labeled at protons, neutrons, and electrons and come together to create an atom.
Assignment Worksheet -  First, Bohr Model (Electrons) ; Second Bohr Model (Khan)   Guide:  Helping Guide to Create Bohr Model
Read - https://www.ck12.org/book/CK-12-Chemistry-Basic/r10/section/5.2/
Read - https://www.ck12.org/book/CK-12-Chemistry-Basic/r10/section/5.3/
Gizmo - Element Builder 

Wednesday - November 7

Chemistry Video - Atomic Structure;  (Handout) 5th period - Atomic Structure -
Earth Science -  Video - Earth's Systems Interact ; Handout - Earth's Systems; Sing-a-long - 4 spheres;  Activity/Gizmo - Rabbit Population by Season
Physics - Check Homework; Activity Stations (FBD);  Lesson - Newton's 2nd Law; Handout -

Thursday - November 8
- Homework; Activity - FBD; Video - Force and Net Force ; Optional - Newton's 2nd Law; Video- Newton's 2nd Law Khan;
Handout - Determine the Net Force ;  Optional:  Newton's 2nd Law

4th - Video  - Bohr Model ;  Activity: Model of Bohr Model: (Handout) 5th period - Atomic Structure -

(All Class) - October 29 - November 2, 2018 Assignments  (Mr. Banks sick Monday & Tuesday)
Friday - Honor:  Dead of the Dead
Thursday -
Tuesday - Read and Answer the Following Questions  Due Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Monday - Create 2 "Thank You" cards for 2 of your teachers Due Monday, October 29, 2018

Below is information for the following subjects.
Earth Science
Google Classroom

Related image

Physics October 22 - 26, 2018 (Mr. Banks Field Trips - Tuesday and Thursday)

Monday - Gizmo - Atwood  -- Friction Force vs Friction-less Force
Tuesday - Field Trip
Wednesday - New Lesson & Notes; Create a Digital Lab Report for Gizmo - Atwood 
Gizmo Atwood - Power point Due Friday, November 2, 2018 (from October 30 due).

Today's Topic & Resources
Free Body Diagram:  Video#1; Video#2Assignment(Due Monday 10/30) Read section 4.1 - 4.3
Friction Force:   Video#1Video#2; Book;
Vocabulary Quiz:  Vocabulary words used in the following Gizmos - Atwood; Free Fall Lab

Physics October 15 - 19  (No School for Students - 10/19)

Wednesday & Thursday
Lab Experiment - Create a Power point in order to explain the experiment, and provide an example of "How to Calculate
Submit work in Google Classroom  -

Lab Experiment - Sum of all Forces (Gizmo:  Free Fall Laboratory)

Homework - (Due Monday) - Review Questions 1 - 4 (Ck12.org - Displacement During Uniform Acceleration)

Project - Marshmallow Catapult (material:  rubber bands , pencils, ghostly marshmallows) Due November  2, 2018, Friday.

Image result for pencil and rubber band catapult

Monday Notes
SUM OF ALL FORCES - Sum of all Forces #2 

Include in your notes:
  1. page 92 draw picture a and draw the sum of forces part b - d
Complete Assignment from page 82 #87 - #94

Physics  October 8 - 12, 2018

  1. Finding distance (d) and time (t) when given acceleration (a)  and velocity (v) ; (kinematic equations)  Lesson #1 Lesson #1.A. ; and Example #1
  2. Extra resources:
    1. CK12 - Online Textbook  ; 
  3. Practice Problems

  1. Constant Acceleration

  1. Complete Review Poster of Speed, Velocity, or Acceleration

  • Constant Acceleration & Gravity Quiz .............................................  Due October 12, 2018
  • Homework
    • Page 71 (problems 30 -33 odd); Page 74 problems 42 - 46 odd)
  • Project Due:  October 10 - 11, 2018
  • Monday's Assignment (Group) October 8
    • Instructions:  Each scholar will be assigned a group.  Each group will create a rough draft poster about one of the following topics (i. speed; ii. velocity; iii. acceleration).  The picture below displays what needs to be in the poster.
Physics October 1, 2018

Image result for Chemistry

Chemistry October 22 - 25, 2018 (Field Trip on October 23)
Day 2  Field Trip ... Review Package of Handouts
Day 3  NewLesson & Notes ... Complete Digital Lab Report by Friday
Day 4 / Friday - Vocabulary Quiz

Today's Topic & Resources
Ions - Video#1
Quantum Theory - Video#1; Video#2Video#3
Bohr Model & Electron Dot Diagram - Video#1
Homework Due Monday (10/30) - Chapter 7 - p.304 - 305 problems  #21 - #24 all ; #76 - #92 even number only

Chemistry October 15 - 19, 2018 (No School for Students October 19)

Thursday (Due by Friday)
Complete the Powerpoint Template (You must select a column/group of elements to work on.)

Submit Powerpoint:

Simulated Lab Experiment - Gizmos - Element Builder handout 

Homework Due October 22, Monday).  Answer Questions on page p. 71 - 73 10 - 50; 70 -80 (even numbers only - example 2, 4, 6, ...)

Project:   (Due November 2, 2018)
Create a Delicious Meal or Dish or Beverage that is an example of a physical change; Create a Delicious Meal or Dish or Beverage that is an example of a chemical change.

Physical Change
fruit, infused, water

Chemical Change
Image result for popcorn mixed with candy


Chemistry October 8, 2018 

Friday October 12, 2018

4th period  -

mQuiz (first 10 minutes of class) page 98 #6.  Draw picture and place the name next to the picture.

Assignment  - (Work in Pairs)
Submit to:  https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/MTUzMDIxOTQ0NDJa/t/MTk2NTgzNDcwNzNa


mQuiz - (Talking is Cheating) write and answer question #66 on page 95.
Independent Assignment - p.94 - 95  (NO TALKING) (TIME ASSESSMENT: 40 Minutes)

Write question and then answer the question on pages:
Page 94 - 95 Question #31 - 39 (odd numbers); Question #43 - #49 odd numbers); Question #61 and #63; Question #65, #67, and #69

Activity - Outdoor Activity


  1. PSAT (3 hours)

  1. 1:50 - 2:00 pm Miniquiz - page 95 question #59 write the question, and then answer the question in 2 to 3 sentences.
  2. 2:00 - 2:20 pm(Watch:  Video) Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures 
  3. 2:20 - 2:45 pm Handout #1 - Matter#1 (p.80 -87) skip #10 - #12   
  4. 2:45 - 3:10 pm Handout #2 - Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures  
  5. Handout #3 - Classification of Matter and Changes (Homework)

  1. Read pages 80 - 81, aloud together
  2. Oral informative assessment 
  3. Vocabulary: a. Write; b. define; c. draw a picture; d. and use the word in a sentence.
Chemistry October 1, 2018

Image result for earth science
October 8 - 12, 2018 Earth Science


  1. Outside today, due to testing.
October 1, 2018 Earth Science

Google Classroom


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